Saturday, May 26, 2007

Time can be cruel...

I haven't added anything to my blog in awhile. This last month has been k-rrrazy. I made myself set some time aside to play with my children. You know that things are hectic when an hour has the value of a dollar. That probably sounds odd, but I have noticed that when I loose so much time being consumed in business, errands, and household chores that never seem to be caught up, then what is an hour removed from the eternity of that situation? If this doesn't make sense... don't worry and just move on! Anyway, getting to the point, I knew that my children were getting out of school this week and would be bored. In that first day I really had to make some accomodations for their needs. Finally, around 5:00, I looked up from my desk and said an unattractive word. My children were waiting in the other room by the "television nanny," with what looked to be a compost station nearby. Wow!

I committed to them and myself right then and there to take at least two hours out of my day and just give it to them! It's absolutely theirs through and through. Wether they want to watch cartoons, or dance in the kitchen, that time is theirs.

Here are a few updated images of them. As you can tell from their photos, they really need me! LOL

Monday, May 14, 2007

Shawna's Bridals...

I am unsure if the dress, or Tammy the wedding consultant, will recover, but boy can this girl make a good image! I have only been able to edit a few, but this one is one of my favorites right off the bat! And because I can never do anything in just one style... here is my artistic version.

"SHAWNA" did great and I am doing great remembering her name tonight after a full day of calling her a parade of other names besides her own! LOL

Friday, May 11, 2007

Here are a few more...

Here are a few more of my favorites...

Shawna and Chris - Take 2

We did some retakes today of the lovely Shawna Manry and her posterboard marbrlo man Chris. This is the only one that I have had time to edit
and it is the first shot taken!
I don't know about ya, but i think it looks beautiful!
Thanks guys for meeting us there today!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Beautiful light...

I caught this candid as he was looking out the window at the rain. Why can't all light be this beautiful?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Purrrrty Baby!

I had the wonderfully fun pleasure of working with Heather this weekend. She is soooo purrrrty and easy to take photos of.

Congratulations on your graduation Heather!