Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The TAG that started it all...

David and Kim have tagged me. Tag is played amongst us photographers with our blogs. Explaination enough, and moving on. I am supposed to write some things in an order. Hell if I can remember the rules of this game. Checking now. God I love copy/paste!!! Thanks David and Kim for the tempelate! hee hee

Because I really have nothing else to do but work and I'm in one of those moods where I just CAN'T work (because I have a session soon and everytime I have one, a couple of days before hand I get really bad diareha, upset stomach, bad nerves and insanity!!)... I did something creative instead!! Notice the art in the photo above? I did that yesterday with stained glass and left over creap...oh! and mortar. (ADD trail - oops!)
Anyway, I will do this correctly now. (ctrl v)
4 things I did today

1. Got my ass out of bed! Yay me!
2. Sat at my computer thinking of something cool to say here.
3. Got my kids off to school. (one is 14, the other 11)
4. played with my dog (sausage on a stick. she is FAT!)
4 things on my to do list
1. wash my nasty ass! (shower)
2. make a much despised trip to the grocery store
3. therapy session - for realz!! Like to be smart on the good, the bad and the ugly about my crazy self!
4. do ANY yoga but do SOMEthing
4 of my guiltiest pleasures
1. wine
2. cigarettes
3. Family Guy
4. The 70's!!
4 random facts about me:
1. I like to keep it gypsy baby!
2. I just dyed my hair red again.
3. I really am as dingy as I act.
4. I really am as smart as I seem. (LOL)
One more for bonus - I really am institutional!
Now that all of that has been cleared up... Later taters!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just a few more of bad-ass brides bridals! Yea!

This image here says, "Don't make me leave your sorry ass!"

Dave and Kim... how could u? U tagged my tired old ass! Because I love you guys, I will play! This love/hate relationship we have going is really kind of exciting huh? or at least on my part! It's ok for me to both love and hate you!!!!!!!!!!! I hate you because you hurt so damn good! ight? Keep it gypsy peeps... I'm just trying to keep my old ass ALIVE! ha ha

P.S. Do you ever feel like asking your husband to remove his d***head cap? Arrrrgggg Matie's!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

getting my boudoir gallery ready...

Words of a thankful woman, "Everytime he mows a yard, I want him to know how much I appreciate it."

When he's arrived from a hard days work, I will be waiting in the doorway once a year, like so... Luck man! LMAO (at once a year)
And when he is really good, and he makes my heart jump short, I will look at him as so and whisper, "Come here you hunk of man..."
Most of all, right when he thinks he has me, I will slink away and dance out the door while singing joyfully upon the top of my lungs, "CAN'T TOUCH THIS. DUNA DUDUNA DU DUNA DUN... DUHA DUDUNA DU DUNA DUN. CAN'T TOUCH THIS"

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Introducing - one baaaad ass bride!!

These are only a quarter of the ones that turned out as beautiful as she is! I am telling you that beautiful brides are the bomb, but how do you choose which is THE image of someone that has so MANY that she looks hot in? Damn! It's hard not to hate someone so beautiful... hee hee Love ya bad ass bride!