Monday, December 31, 2007

Saturday, December 8, 2007


It always amazes me that this kiddo feels like an ugly duckling. Teenage years are so terribly difficut. They just suck!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

xmas ornament terror...

Ok... here is the story made short. My sister-in-law is very creatively crafty. I, however, am not! She has made all kinds of cupcakes, tree skirts, and blah, blah, blah. Upon seeing such lovely sugar plums and lollipops dancing before my eyes on her very hip and silver tree, I thought to myself, "Hmmm... I have a sewing machine I have used ONCE and wonder if I can do some of this too." Therefore my kids and I decided to make christmas ornaments and it was soooo fun! I realized that I don't have anything in my home that is for crafts, except hemp string for making hemp jewelry, so I ran to the store. After we bought a bunch of supplies (felt, glue, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, rolling eyes, etc.) we rushed home to begin our creative spree. During this time I discovered that I can't sew, I can't cut straight, and I am not an undiscovered talent at anything to do with these craft type activities. Uusally we just celebrate Hanukkah, but last year and this year we are doing christmas too! Looooong story and no time.

Anyway, without further delay, here are our poor vicitims.

Let me just state that if you don't have a natural ability to do these kinds of things and you don't exactly like "tacky-folk-art ornaments" which is what mine ended up becoming, do not attempt this without an AUNT BETSY. Her's are all warm and tingly and mine look all rat eaten and sad... But, oh well! We had so much fun and we think they are perfect for our humble home and crazy personalities. They are sooooo cute to us!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

New Engagement!

Yeppers Peppers! This couple will go far! We had a blast. More later taters...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

An album for a special couple...

Here are just a few of the pages... I haven't added anything artisitc yet, they are still in the making. Thanks for looking... anyone? Hello? Is there anyone out there? LOL

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Been doin' a little paintin'

Isn't she a beauty? Any guesses as to whom this might be? Just a hint - she is my favorite actress.

Monday, October 29, 2007

More from da partay!

Here is another from the partay. Such fun images and such good times with family, which can be so RARE (love you mom, love you pa).

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Birthday Beasts...

This month there were 3 birthdays to celebrate; 1st-husband, 2nd-Pa, 3rd-son. Lets just say that we all got together and had one wild night. It was so fun to be with loved ones and eat until I thought my food would leak from my naval. It was NOT pretty!

Here some fun photos to show off the good time had by all! I, fortunately, am not in any of them because I took the photos myself... Ha Ha! (little man sticks out tongue here) I will post more when I am finished editing them. Thanks for looking though.

Jordan and Pa break it down! Then they decide it is time to bring in a little "hairnation" to the scene.
Now, Grandpa cozies up with Jo.

Jordan and Pa shaking a TAIL FEATHER!

Grandpa decides to ditch Jo and run the show alone... poor JO :-) LOL

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A New Day...

Hmmm... I am not sure that I like this cold weather much. I am a warm weather person and much prefer the beach to the mountains. That said, I believe this cold weathr is why I have been so tired this last week. I HATE feeling tired. It is a new thing for me and it stinks! Now that said as well, we did find the weather very pretty last weekend and took the kids to the park with some of their friends.

I am not sure if I should be emberassed over the photos that I am sharing or just blahsay, blahsay.

Either way... Here are some images of my son (pretty boy with long hair), my son's friend (pretty boy with short hair), my daughter (pretty girl with headband), and her friend (pretty girl with blond hair).

Oh... and the dork with the sun glasses screaming, "Yippee!" Well... that would be me without makeup and looking very scarey~

Friday, September 28, 2007

When life is hard...

It is sometimes so terribly difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel. Some of you that read any of my posts may know that my daughter is deaf and has struggled with social cues and behavior akin to Asperger's Syndrom. She does not pick up on ANY social cues or hints. She clings to her friends and family members with a desperation that causes most people to run in fright. She is so terribly lonely and this lonliness causes her to attach to people in ways that are flat out considered odd, quirky, or flat out damn scarey to some.

As I think of the first few months of her life, I am filled with anxiety. As a baby she screamed constantly. The only thing that would bring a moments peace to the household was when my body became a human rocking chair. I am not speaking of gentle gliding, I mean aggressive backward and forward motions that jiggled my fresh "afterbirth" fat. As a young mother I must admit that I wanted to run in fright myself.

Now that she is 13 and I am no longer considered a "young" mother at 34 (LOL) I have resorted to feeling sorry for myself and playing the self-blame game. The self-blame game is where I examine my life with eagle eyes to pin point every little thing that I did wrong in motherhood. Then I play the sweep it under the rug game where I decide that I did the best that I could do with the situation and push all the feelings deep down and have a glass of wine. Damn I am healthy!

All of this to say what? Well... I can't fix my daughter or remove her pain, but I can tell her that life is a growing process. Thankfully it is growing out of the pain of childhood and into "your own." I was considered an odd child and battled with similar issues that my daughter struggles with. It seems that most of us in my family have a part of our brain that seems to heal and mature slower than the average. I did grow out of it though and I believe that she will as well.

For now... I will continue to tell her how beautiful and special she is. Those words are so hard for someone like me to say outloud so I write them here.

To Jordan - You are more special, beautiful, caring, giving, and loving than this world deserves. I love you -

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007