Sunday, October 28, 2007

Birthday Beasts...

This month there were 3 birthdays to celebrate; 1st-husband, 2nd-Pa, 3rd-son. Lets just say that we all got together and had one wild night. It was so fun to be with loved ones and eat until I thought my food would leak from my naval. It was NOT pretty!

Here some fun photos to show off the good time had by all! I, fortunately, am not in any of them because I took the photos myself... Ha Ha! (little man sticks out tongue here) I will post more when I am finished editing them. Thanks for looking though.

Jordan and Pa break it down! Then they decide it is time to bring in a little "hairnation" to the scene.
Now, Grandpa cozies up with Jo.

Jordan and Pa shaking a TAIL FEATHER!

Grandpa decides to ditch Jo and run the show alone... poor JO :-) LOL


Anonymous said...

That party looks like fun! Wish I coulda been there!!

Anonymous said...

wow....what a dance off. You people sure know how to have fun!!! Great photos too...